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Challenge: Open Discussion

New Moms, Please Don’t Bottle It Up

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We talk about how much we love and adore our new babies (because we absolutely do), but what we try to shy away from is the dark, raw stuff.

Feeling alone.

Feeling disgusting.

Feeling mortified that you feel some sort of darkness as your emotions and hormones go haywire.

How the lack of sleep will bring you to tears at random moments.

How you try to avoid crying because you aren’t sure if you’ll be able to stop.

The financial impact starting to set in.

Unexpected health obstacles for baby or excruciating healing for mom.

I tried to hold it in multiple times.

“I’m great.”

“We’re good.”

“We are surviving.” (I got a little more candid this time)

How does a new mom say,

“I love this baby but I feel like I’m drowning.”

“I need help!”

“Please help me.”

“I’m not even getting an hour or two of sleep and man, it is impacting me.”

“I feel like something is wrong with me.”

With my third child, the colic was nothing like I’d ever experienced with my other kids. It would take hours to get him to sleep and he’d want to be cradled in my arms.

Constant crying and pacing.

Swaying and praying.

Crying in the wee hours of morning when I realized sleep would not come because my other kids would be up soon and my first responder was headed out for over 24 hours again.

Begging God for strength.

I don’t like talking about the difficult stuff.

Being a mom is amazing. Absolutely breathtaking and life changing. But I’m so thankful we found our groove and the colic eventually ceased.

Since it’s Mental Health Week, I felt the need to share this for a new mom that might be struggling.

You are not less in love with your baby if you are struggling with postpartum emotions.

Ask for help, mama.

Talk to a counselor and answer honestly to your doctor.

You are not alone, mama. Things will get better.

If you know a new mama — check on her. Offer to bring her coffee or groceries. Ask her how she’s really doing. Just be there for her.

Sometimes she just needs to be candid so she doesn’t have to keep it all bottled in.

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