Many people set New Year resolutions only to end up breaking them in the first month or two of the next year. If you have been going through infertility or considering adoption, the new year is the perfect time to make resolutions you will be motivated to stick to finishing. These four resolutions will allow you to grow your family quickly and responsibly.
Research Your Professional Adoption Team
Make a resolution to finalize your professional adoption team in the beginning of the year. This is the best way to start the adoption process safely, ensuring you are going down the correct paths to grow your family safely. Many people want to try to do it on their own, but the process is complicated and difficult to learn to manage it on your own. It will take longer to complete an adoption and there could be red flags that you do not catch. Professionals can guide you through the process with less money spent as well as provide easier and faster support.
Begin A Stress Reduction Routine
Adoption is stressful, so make a resolution to start a routine to help reduce your stress. Much like the “I am going to go to the gym” resolution, this one can be hard to start and maintain throughout the year. However, investing time and action into starting routines that help you reduce your stress is going to make your adoption process much smoother. Start with a once a week technique, such as journaling your feelings or taking a bubble bath. Then try to increase with more activities, like taking a walk or doing yoga.
Establish An Adoption Budget
Much like saving for a home project, a vacation, or a new vehicle, make a resolution to create an adoption budget. Set amounts that you need to save each month and figure out what you can cut out of your current spending habits. Also consider different fundraising ideas to help fund the adoption, such as a bake sale or community event.
Many of my adoption clients have seen great success with fundraising events that pay for a chunk of their adoption fees. Plus, it is a great feeling to see all the love and support people provide to help you grow your family!
Commit to Support Your Spouse
If you are going through adoption with your spouse, make a resolution to always be there to support him or her throughout this process. It is very likely that you and your spouse will be on different pages and comfort levels during adoption. Instead of lashing out or becoming angry for a lack of enthusiasm or too much stress output, resolve to always be there to show empathy and understanding through the process. Make a commitment to openly and honestly discuss your feelings without judgment and always hear each other out on concerns you may have about the next step in the process or the professionals you are working with.
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