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Challenge: Parenting Resolutions


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Let's face it, after a 10 hour day at work it can be hard to be patient with my kids. I love them dearly but when my 4 year old asks to help fold laundry I know it is going to be more of an adventure than an actual chore getting done. In 2016 I want to be more patient with my kids. I want to stop and savor the moments that sometimes seem overwhelming and try to turn them into precious moments with my boys.

Now I know this will not happen every time but I do want to try and do a better job at being Patient and why wait until 2016...I'm starting TODAY!

Untitled from Britta Merwin on Vimeo.

This post comes from the TODAY Parenting Team community, where all members are welcome to post and discuss parenting solutions. Learn more and join us! Because we're all in this together.