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Personal Development Tips From George Wright

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George Wright, founder of Club Prosperity, talks about how his background in sales and marketing helped him make plenty of money, but he really wasn't happy.

Essentially, according to George, anyone can be happy and fulfilled by creating a lifestyle that will attract happiness and prosperity in their lives.

After a divorce and several ups and downs in business, George developed a relationship with George Stuberg; a success coach who is also the founder of, and is a partner at Club Prosperity as well.

George said, "I knew if I could perform daily rituals like journaling, meditation, positive affirmations and a couple of things that would take me to a better state of mind, I knew I'd have something amazing. That's what Club Prosperity accomplishes, with an app and a community that helps everyone who participates become more prosperous."

Even if you can't control everything around you, you can control how you react to it.

Visit Club Prosperity, and if you feel like personal development is a great tool for parents, please vote up this article.

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