Earlier this month was National Sons Day and it also happens to be pregnancy after loss month. The photo above is one of our “first” photos with Landon. You can tell by my forced smile I was trying to live in the moment and be happy but in reality I was terrified and full of anxiety. This was our third pregnancy, we were still grieving Charlie and Lena. I was a “nervous nelly” that this pregnancy would have the same fate of our first two.
I am not alone with those feelings, nearly 20% of women who experience a pregnancy loss become symptomatic for depression and/or anxiety; in a majority of those affected, symptoms persist for 1 to 3 years, impacting quality of life and subsequent pregnancies.
Here are some helpful tools that helped ease my anxiety and I hope it helps you to.
1. Focus on one day at a time.
2. Take good care of yourself.
3. Empower yourself with knowledge about your loss.
4. Know you're not alone.
5. Communicate with your partner.
6. Check in with your doctor or midwife often.
For those of you pregnant with your rainbow baby please know you are not alone. I see you and am with you.
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