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Challenge: Reading Together

Reading to our little one is a dream come true

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Our daughter is a miracle. 5+ years of trying to concieve and through a lot of prayers, love, hope, and one intense IVF cycle we met Reagan. Things that some parents may feel are routine, like being able to read your child a bed time story, is a dream come true every day. I was told the excitement would wear off, but Reagan turned one this March and it's still the best part of our day.

We bought her books before she was born & pick up more here and there. She loves turning the pages and clapping when the story is done. There is one book that makes my heart melt. It was if it was written to express everything we ever wanted to say to our little one. "Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You." by Nancy Tillman is my absolute favorite.

Whether you waited 5 years or 5 weeks, used reproductive technology, adopted, or had a child naturally - this book is a beautiful tear jerker for all parents to read to their special little one(s). I'll be honest - I get tears in my eyes everytime I read this. Also, it comes in a board book so your little ones can totally man handle it and it will survive.

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