Matthew has encountered enormous challenges throughout his life and as we began to prepare for his transition to middle school, we focused on all of his accomplishments so far. An autism diagnosis with a speech delay has a very unique journey attached. A journey of patience, a journey of determination and above all a journey of flexibility. He is ready to conquer his next journey as we move into middle school, independence.
Thank you elementary teachers, speech therapists, behavior therapists, resource counselors, administrators and friends and family - for your support, your encouragement and your love through the past 12 years. He is ready to take on his next adventure and we could not do it without each and every one of you. Thank you for your kindness, thank you for your honesty, thank you for your love. And when we might need you again, to guide him through that independence, we know you will always be there. No Matter What!!
Mom, Dad and sisters are so proud of you Matthew! You Can Do IT!! We Believe in You!
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