Recovery means starting over again, mama.
It means the way you were doing things wasn’t working for you--
at all.
For those mamas that are in recovery, I see you.
I know how hard it was to get to that place.
I know the mountains you climbed--
and the river you are always treading in to stay afloat.
I know the fight you went through:
The battle cries.
The I-can’t-do-this-anymore cries.
The uncontrollably-sobbing cries
I know that each day gets better, but some days that doesn't hold.
Because some days are still hard, and now you don’t have your old frenemy by your side. A friend at times, a foe at others-- was hurting you more than anything.
For those mamas that don’t think you’re sick enough to get help...that’s your illness whispering in your ear.
For those mamas that don't think you're worth it… that’s your illness whispering in your ear.
For those mamas that don’t believe me when I say any of this, start out recovering for someone else and eventually when you learn to love yourself, you can recover for you.
You’ll slowly get there---
through the meaning, your life will gain from being healthy and free.
The most important part of recovery is giving each day your all, mama.
And it will be hard, but you’ll come out more resilient and more YOU than ever before.
September is recovery month, and you should know you are seen, mama—
because you beat the hard of the HARD and that doesn’t go unnoticed.
This post originally appeared on the author's Facebook. Her book Living FULL: Winning My Battle with Eating Disorder is available on Amazon:
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