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Challenge: Sleep Solutions

Sleep Solutions

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Since, the day we brought our daughter home from the hospital (I should mention that she is adopted), she has always had a routine. Recently, a friend of mine that is due in March asked me a few parenting questions, the best advice I could give her was "NO" advice, sounds silly but you know everyone and your mother will give you advice, but for a new parent you need to figure it out based on how you want to do things. So, back to the sleep solution, again we have always had a routine with our daughter, when we took our daughter (Rebecca) to her first doctor appointment, the doctor mention to us have a good routine and if she is sleeping don't wake her up for a feeding, she will let you know when she is hungry, with that advice, our daughter has always slept through the night (starting since she was a newborn). Now, Our daughter is 16 months and she sleeps through the night (goes to bed around 7-7:30pm and wakes up around 7-7:30am the next morning. Again, it has to do all with routine. For my husband and I when she was a newborn, we went to bed the same time she did, sounds a little extreme but it worked for us, I always woke up feeling very refreshed and ready to start the next day, now that she is older I can stay up later. I guess if I had to give advice remember things can wait (laundry, cleaning, etc...) but start a good routine for you and your child.

Sarah W

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