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Challenge: Bedtime Secrets

Some of the Top Ways to Beat Sleep Apnea without Machines

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Treating sleep apnea isn't a particularly easy task. The condition that's characterized by breathing cessation during the night will usually require the utilization of a breathing mask for sustainable results. Many people, however, don't really feel comfortable sleeping with a mask and a breathing machine on.

A few alternatives are available and they can deliver good results in terms of overcoming the condition and ensuring quality sleep. Here are some of the best sleep apnea solutions that don't involve the use of machines of breathing masks.

Weight Loss

Problems like sleep apnea and snoring are overwhelming among overweight and obese individual. The extra fat in the neck and the chest area is the one contributing to the breathing difficulties. Thus, the loss of some weight is the best options for getting rid of sleep apnea altogether.


According to the American College of Physicians (ACP) this is the number one essential for overcoming sleep apnea. A loss of only 10 percent of one's body weight can lead to a serious improvement in sleep quality. While sustainable weight loss isn't the easiest task on earth, the positive results from it will be noticeable almost immediately.

Try Natural Remedies

There are a few natural remedies that can be used for the purpose of making breathing during the night a bit more effortless.

Cinnamon is one of these natural remedies. It has a wide range of uses in Ayurveda medicine. It has soothing properties and it's also been known to improve breathing. Thus, cinnamon can provide some relief from apnea and it can enhance sleep quality at the same time.


Honey is another natural remedy. It's a powerful anti-inflammatory substance. As a result, it can reduce swelling in the throat and the sinuses. Chances are that a teaspoon of honey before bedtime will contribute to restful sleep and snoring-free nights.

A few other natural remedies that can be expected to have a positive effect include garlic (another anti-inflammatory substance), turmeric, lavender, peppermint and chamomile.

Keep in mind that a natural solution isn't going to deliver profound results for just about every sleep apnea sufferer. There's no "one size fits all" solution. You may have to test out a few of these options prior to identifying the best one.

Change Your Pillow

As already mentioned, sleep apnea is caused by a throat closure resulting from extra tissue coming in to block the airways. Obesity isn't the only issue that will lead to such a problem. The selection of the wrong pillow could aggravate snoring and cause apnea, as well.


There are many pillows designed for the needs of individuals who snore. These offer sufficient neck support without elevating the head too much.

It's also important to choose a pillow on the basis of the sleep position you prefer. If you're a tummy sleeper, a very high and fluffy pillow will obviously be a bad idea for you. Look for memory foam and other materials that adopt to the curves of your body and offer support right where it's needed. Pillows that come with adjustable height (removable filling) are also very convenient.

Chiropractic Care

Some people have had success in terms of overcoming sleep apnea by opting for chiropractic care.

Very often, people who have sleep apnea also suffer from a subluxation of the upper cervical spine. Lower cervical and upper thoracic subluxations are also common. An experienced chiropractor will be capable of diagnosing those conditions and suggesting a personalized treatment plan.


Once the spinal misalignment is dealt with, sleep quality can be expected to improve. Forward head posture puts even more stress on the airways. The good news is that the problem can be overcome after a couple of simple treatment sessions.

Prior to opting for any sleep apnea treatment strategy, it's a good idea to talk to your physician. A doctor will figure out what the cause of the condition is and how it can be addressed in the best way. Sleep apnea can be a dangerous problem in some instances, which is why the importance of a medical treatment shouldn't be underestimated.

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