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Challenge: Pregnant and Powerful!

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This past week, my youngest two turned 10. I can not believe this! It has been a loooong 10 years. When I got pregnant my other 3 children were 11, almost 2 and my son, 5 months. When I delivered them at 34 weeks, I had 4 kids in diapers. Now, here we are.. Here are some fun facts about my identical twin daughters, Abby and Avery (my babies.)

They are 120 months. I have no idea how many teeth they have because they fall out by the handful these days.
They sleep all night, unless they're sleep walking.
They love... nothing..nada.. zip.. nary.
Their favorite foods are the ones they bitch about then ultimately reluctantly try.
Their favorite sport is to wrestle over the exact same skirt and shirt.
They smile on their own.. when the other one is getting screamed at.

Happy Birthday, your mama is tired!


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