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Challenge: Back to School

Take an evening walk this fall....

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I know a walk at the end of the day sounds counter intuitive. With homework, baths, wardrobe wars for the morning who wants to get outside and walk. We found an unexpected surprise with introducing walks as the night crept up on the day earlier and earlier in the fall months. After dinner and sometimes after homework we would take a quick walk (17 minutes) to walk our Aussie and Bernese Mountain dog. Putting the emphasis on the dogs' need for a walk was more motivation for our tweens and teens than a "let's talk at the table after dinner." The dogs entertain us and it is the one activity as a competitive family that requires no skill, timer or referee. We just walk the dogs and let then entertain us as their glow collars lead the way. It gives the kids a chance to wrap up homework or get a quick break from studying. As the holidays approach it is a fun way to enjoy the season, take in the lights and yard décor. It is 17 minutes of no texts, calls or emails. Our walks break up the evening as we transition from homework to settling in for the night. I love this time with our family! Try it! Maybe start with one night a week!

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