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Teaching our Children Public Speakings Skills

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As a Professional Public Speaker and a mother of two teenagers, living in the world of rapidly growing technology, it became urgent that my children did not lose their ability to speak English properly, use proper grammar and formulate sentences.

The world will have us to believe that acronyms is the new language and if you don't know what they are, or the pop culture slang, that you are not in touch, matter of fact you are rather archaic. But that's not true, this new era of language is the true fallacy, even to this very day, the English language is still in demand.

Try going on a job interview using initials as words (LOL, ttyl, k, etc) and made up words and see how fast that interview is over and you being removed from the building by your belt hoops. Language is not a thing to be tossed aside like it no longer has any value, it should be nurtured, cared for and taught with care.

Our children are growing up in a fast paced world that tells them everything that is fast and quick is what they should shoot for, but that just isn't true. Teaching our children to speak proper English, doesn't mean that they can't utilize the pop culture wording in front of their friends as you know they will do anyway. But it teaches them balance and that the world isn't black and white, but that there is grey all over and you have to be prepared to look someone in the eyes, shake their hand and have a full intelligent conversation with nouns, adjectives, commas, periods and good old fashioned grammar.

We must prepare them to be prepared to get that great job, prepare that college thesis, disarm that bully vocally, not physically and speak your truth at all cost for all to hear and understand. Make sure your children have well-rounded communication skills, it will be a priceless investment that they can pass down to their children.

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