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The big moments don't make you a "good" mom

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I bought strawberries for $2/pound and was really happy. I've been paying $3 per pound all winter long and a savings of $1 per pound is pretty epic

I bought them all winter long despite the high price because my daughter loves them more than any other food. More than chicken nuggets. More than mac and cheese.

As moms we are constantly striving to be "good." We compare ourselves to TV characters and the mom in front of us in the pick-up line. We analyze the actions of other moms as though they are research subjects, as though one day we will decode, we will solve, we will figure out what it means to be a good mom.

We design Pinterest party favors and paint murals in our child's bedroom. We sign them up for sports and send them off to camp and we give them every opportunity and everything they want and everything we didn't have.

All in the name of being "good."

But let me tell you what being a "good mom" is.

It's watching the Emoji 17 times because your son asks you to watch it with him.

It's holding your daughter's hair back as she hurls her way through flu season.

It's reading book after book to help your kid get better at reading.

It's coloring princesses and dinosaurs because, even though you find it banal, it makes your kid happy.

It's paying $3 per pound for strawberries because it's your daughter's favorite food.

The moments that define being a "good mom" are not always the grandiose, picture perfect moments.

The mundane activities, the small sacrifices, the actions that fly under the radar, those moments count, too.

You're doing a good job, mom. I know you don't feel like it, but you are.


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