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Challenge: Parenting Resolutions

The Corona virus is an opportunity to teach our children kindness.

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It’s during times like these when people’s true colors show.

It’s in the midst of hysteria and hyperventilating that you should pause to look around.

Try to see clearly and consider the facts rather than the rumors.

I heard about an old couple sitting in their car at a grocery store parking lot, too frightened, knowing they’re at high risk of becoming fatally ill, to go inside to get their necessities.

Trying to call on any passerby who would be willing to help get their groceries.

I heard about a couple who bought 1,000$ worth of Lysol supplies to sell at a higher cost and make profits.

I heard about someone who bought a skid full of toilet paper only to sell for his own profit.

It’s insane.
It’s unfair.
It’s inconsiderate.

I’m thinking about the less fortunate, the ones who cannot afford to stock up.

I’m thinking about that elderly couple hiding out in their car, the ones truly at real risk of dying from this virus.

I’m thinking, how many more people are struggling like this?

Then I see these people who choose to take advantage of such a devastating situation, literally harming others.

This is when you see what people are really made of.

The threat hasn’t even reached a wipe-out level in the US and Canada, yet people are going way over board.

Hoarding every item you can think of.

For some, I understand it’s your instinct to protect your own and keep them safe, but you’re not living on this planet alone. You don’t need to stock up for a year.

3 weeks worth of stocking up is what was asked of us, yet we have some people who bought all of the grocery store leaving many others only bare shelves.

Not to mention the less fortunate who have nothing. That’s just heart wrenching.

It’s heart breaking to see the clear divide between classes.

It’s heart breaking to watch people fall apart.

It’s heart breaking to see people hiding out in their cars, afraid to get caught in the crossfire. Literally fearing death.

It’s heartbreaking to see humanity at such a loss for empathy in such a small period of time, at such a vulnerable time, where no human life should be valued more than another.

I can only pray we can all stay on the right path of kindness, compassion and consideration.

I pray we can be mindful of those less fortunate than us.

I pray we can understand that to some people, this is the reality they live in, a harsh reality that is hopefully only temporary for us.

I pray we lift each other up during these tough times.

I pray for our world.


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