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Challenge: Digging Deep

The Grinch that Stole Mommy's Joy

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They say that they’ve seen it. They say it has been coming around a lot lately. While they typically see it a few times a year, they told me that they started seeing it in early December.

Why does it come around? They wish they knew. They wish they knew so that they could hold it off or chase it away. But, it’s sneaky and it’s quick. It will come right in and before you know it, it’s gone — and so is something else.

It’s The Grinch That Stole Mommy’s Joy.

How sad for mommy, and how sad for the children. All they want is for their mother to feel the magic which coats the air around holiday time. But, ever since it came around, momma feels nothing. Actually, that’s not true; she does feel something — she feels lots of something — it’s called stress and anxiety.

You see, the problem for many of us mothers is that we spend so much of our time and energy on our loved ones, on our spouses and on our homes. We make sure that the house looks festive and neat, that our spouse feels loved and appreciated and that our children feel happy and excited.

We work hard to ensure that our children understand that holiday time is about so much more than presents and that our full presence with our loved ones is what really matters. We guide our children to understand the importance of giving at all times, but especially during this time of year. We try to encourage them to really feel the delight of doing something good for someone and to harvest that feeling for as long as they can so that they are driven to appreciate it and desire to feel it again.

While all of this hard work makes us mommas pretty darn selfless and great at what we do, it also makes us tired. It makes us avoid our own self-care. It makes us put ourselves on the back burner and that’s when the Grinch usually makes it’s appearance.

You see, the Grinch that stole Mommy’s joy was Mommy herself.

Don’t let the Grinch in your home or your life in 2019. This year, make yourself and your mental, emotional, and physical well-being a priority.

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