It's astonishing – now that I am in the thick of parenting – the number of hats a Mom truly wears. In addition to the countless mommy hats of packing lunches, kissing boo-boos and drying tears, here are some of my favorites:
- Bobby's bride. No matter what, this hat comes first. As a unit, if we are good, we are ALL good. For the past 15 years, fostering our marriage has been at the forefront of our being. Although our little ones seem to call the shots at times, it’s important for them to see Bobby as the man of the house, and to see us as a team.
- Chauffeur. Having four kids is no joke, and like the song goes, “Every Day I’m Shuffling.” Oh, wait, that’s hustling. Well, we do plenty of that too!
- Playmate. Twister. Operation. Hide & Seek. We do it all. And these are the moments that we can look back on and smile.
- Firefighter. Putting out fires is a daily occurrence when you have four kids. Things can get heated pretty quickly, and when they argue, I jump in. When they cry, I hold them. When there’s an accident… well, that’s when I put on my doctor hat.
- Doctor. Assessing a sprain vs. a fracture, cold vs. allergies, bruises vs. boo-boos, Dr. Mom may not always have the right treatment, but she is indeed the first responder.
- Ring leader. When it comes Friday night, this mama is leading the pack, inviting all the neighbors over for a well-deserved evening of friends and fun.
- Teacher. It doesn’t take a degree in education to hold this title. Not a day goes by without lessons being taught. From manners, to empathy, compassion and giving, there’s certainly something to learn every day.
- Hero. My favorite role is being my kids’ hero. I need them to know I will always go the distance for them, and aim to set an example so they can then do the same for others.
If being a mom is a full-time job, does that mean I have four?! Sure does seem that way at times. And that doesn’t even count these other little gigs that I have… #wife #citygirlgonemom #friend. But the way I see it, is that I get to have multiple dream jobs, and I wouldn’t change that for the world. I’m forever grateful for all the mother figures in my life, who’ve helped to shape the many walks of how I mom, wife, work and live.
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