Every day there are moments.
Moments that should remind us of the important things.
Moments that should help us keep perspective.
Moments that should humble us.
Moments that should make us wrap our arms around the people we love most.
But so often we ignore those moments.
We scroll on by.
We watch something else.
We look the other way.
We change the subject.
We ignore.
Until a moment comes that stops us from looking away.
And in an instant, the picture of what truly matters most in life snaps clearly into focus.
And we remember what is most important.
And we take the opportunity to check our perspectives.
And we are humbled.
And we reach out to the people we love the most.
And we choose to listen to the messages that the moment has to offer.
And we appreciate how truly precious and fragile life is.
And we vow to live life more fully and more deliberately.
Because we realize that we will never have enough time.
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