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Challenge: Back to School 2021

The Power of Keeping It Super Simple

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For young entrepreneurs stepping into the exciting world of business, the key to unlocking success might just be simplicity. Recently I got to connect with a few t(w)een entrepreneurs who won big in a national competition. As I learned about their businesses and projects, I realized that there was something really compelling about the simplicity of their ideas. It got me thinking about the WIT Tip - K.I.S.S. and why simple business ideas continue to reign supreme.


Easy to Understand = Easy to Support

Simple business or give-back ideas are like the cool playlist everyone can jam to. They're easy to get, not just for you but also for your friends, potential customers, and even your team. Keeping things simple means you won't have to explain your genius plan for hours; it just clicks. Oftentimes adults over complicate things, but tween and teen entrepreneurs often have a grasp on Keeping It Super Simple. Take for example, Luke Voss, founder of Bricks4Brooks. He heard about The Brooks Short Term Housing Shelter for DC families experiencing homelessness and thought it would be a rewarding experience to build LEGOs with the kids. It's something he loves to do and figured there were kids there that might love it, too. After the first session he realized he was able to teach a class to these kids while making it both fun and educational. Luke also noticed their growth as first time LEGO builders. When he won $3000 in the Frigo CheeseHead Competition he was excited because, “I get to purchase more LEGO sets for the kids and give them sets to keep and bring back to their rooms.” More legos = More happy kids ... simple!

Simple To Execute = More Learning By Doing

The teenage entrepreneurial journey is a time for learning and experimentation. Simple ideas provide an ideal starting point, allowing teens to grasp fundamental business concepts, understand customer dynamics, and build essential entrepreneurial skills. The hands-on experience gained through simple ventures sets the stage for tackling more complex challenges in the future. Ruby Emerson, founder of LunchLine Candles, a recent winner of a $5000 Frigo CheeseHead competition shared with me that when it came to launching her business, “I didn't wait for the idea or circumstances to be perfect. I just got started and saw where it took me.” She has kept her concept pretty simple so that she can get her candles to market and then make adjustments where needed, “I’m still working out the details, but my hope is to have all profits go towards paying off student lunch debt.” Instead of sitting back and waiting to have all the answers before starting, Ruby jumped in and even won some money along the way!

For teen entrepreneurs stepping into the world of business or giving-back, simplicity becomes a superpower. Simple ideas resonate with peers, offer quick wins, play well on social media, and provide an invaluable learning experience. Embracing the magic of simplicity not only makes the entrepreneurial journey enjoyable but also positions teen entrepreneurs for success in the evolving landscape of business. So, remember to K.I.S.S. - Keep It Super Simple on your way to success!

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