From a very young age, I always knew I wanted to be a mother. Two years after I got married, we decided to have our first child. Little did we know our life was about to change. We have two kids now and I always say that the first one is the hardest because you simply have no idea what in the world you are doing. You have an entire little human to care for: a needy, messy, tiny, adorable human that’s all yours to raise and make a decent person out of someday.
Digna Toledo Photography
Motherhood is my pride and joy. It’s the best job I’ve ever had. The love I feel for my children could never be put into words. They’ve made me a better person and made me realize I am much stronger than I ever knew. So when a mom tells you it’s hard but it’s all worth it, they aren’t lying. Your child’s first words, their first steps… it’s a joy that can’t compare to anything else.
I am a contributor for JOHNSON’S®, the sponsor of this community, and compensated for travel and attendance at events. Every idea and word written is my own.
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