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Challenge: NICU Parenting

This was the last thing I thought would happen

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Good morning. After trying for a while, all the fertility drugs and failed IUI's, my husband and I went through IVF. That was step 1. I did end up getting pregnant and at our first ultrasound appointment, we found out we were having twins ! Wow, I didn't think the IVF would work, let alone that well. Then comes the waiting until that magic 12 week mark to start telling everyone. I waited. I was 39 - a high risk pregnancy due to age. Then come all the tests and the decisions on what type of tests to make sure the babies you were carrying were ok. All was good - Thankfully. At 24 weeks and 2 days, I was having symptoms of labor. I never even thought of early labor, at least not THIS early. Went to hospital - all was good. The next day at 24 weeks and 3 days, more symptoms of labor. I waiting it out during the day, but finally went in. By the time they checked me, I was 3 cm and 20 min later I was 10 cm. They rushed me into an ER and my daughter was born naturally. They wanted to keep my son in, but he wanted out - so they did a C section. She was 1.6 pounds and he was 1.3 pounds. There were a lot of ups and downs during the 91 days in the NICU, but considering where they started, they are in great shape ! My son is on the Autism spectrum, and they are both small, but they are doing well. They are 4 now and that time at the NICU seems like a lifetime ago.




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