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Challenge: Romance After Kids

Three Rules For Stellar Relationship Communication

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If you're like most couples, you know that communication is critical. When you have kids and are still trying to hold together your relationship, you'll find that it becomes both more difficult and more important to keep this as your focal point.

With this in mind, there are some strategies you should consider that will help the two of you communicate clearly, keep the flame alive and build your future together.

Consider these tips below.

#1: Become A Better Listener

This sounds like basic advice, but think about it. When you're dealing with your partner, are the two of you listening to each other, or are you looking to hurry for them to finish so that you can speak your piece?

There's a huge difference.

Take it upon yourself to become an active listener, so that you are able to not just get your point across, but fully and understand where the other person is coming from.

Studies show that about 80% of our days involve communicating, while only 55% include listening. It's crucial that you develop the skills and strategies that will make you a better listen, so the two of you don't miss each other's point and create rifts.

#2: Communicate, Don't Defend

Your relationship will go a long way when you decide to put aside the need to be "right". This is a human urge, but the more time you spend with someone, the more you'll see that life is all about perspective.

Sure, there are situations in which you are wronged and need to enforce a boundary. However, the vast majority of relationship riffs happen when people look at things differently and have miscommunications. Being able to reframe it this way allows for you to have more peace in your household overall.

Do your best to get your point across, but listen without defending yourself and speak without accusing the other person.

#3: Do Activities Together

The more that you do activities together, the easier it'll be for you to stay on the same accord.

So much of communication is non-verbal, so by aligning your efforts and purposes and doing what you can to stick to a common goal, you'll find that your communication ability increases. Something as small as joining the same kickball league can work wonders.

So there you have it. Use these tips and you'll see your relationship communication improve.

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