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Today We Receive It With Joy

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We've waited months for this very moment to happen and now it is here. Each new piece of equipment for my son, who is a quadriplegic, that crosses the threshold of our home is desperately needed and we receive it with grateful hearts. My husband and I are full of gratitude for the many moments that God had to orchestrate in order for this once piece of equipment to come. From preliminary doctors appointments to determine his disability, to doctors writing a prescription, to visiting the mobility store and requesting an order, to writing up a letter of necessity, to submitting it to insurance and medicaid, then waiting months for approval, to delivery to the store, and finally delivery to the house. So many people involved and processes to go through to acquire a lift that will save me and my husband countless back aches from lifting our son. However great our joy and deep our thankfulness it is always accompanied by a sting. That sting is a whispering voice in my head that says "I hate that I need this equipment, I resent it." There is a part of my heart that is aching all the time. The part that is always crying, hurting, and feeling guilty all at the same time. I will never be able to fully shut it down because I'm human, and I'm a mom, and I want the absolute best for my kid. But today, I choose to to quiet that mournful voice because today I choose to be joyful that my God, my government, our doctors, our representatives, our prayers have all come together to make this beautiful moment happen: Better quality of life for my son and our family from one piece of mobility equipment.

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