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Challenge: Bringing Home Baby: What Do You Wish You’d Known?

Twins! What I wish I knew before I brought them home.

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​We were all excited to bring the twins home. They are now 6 and I often think about the day we brought home our little bundles of joy.

There were some things though that I wish I had known before that day. We read some books and gathered everything we thought we would need but for some things it just wasn't enough.

1. How to clip those dang nails - I had such a rough time trying to clip their nails. I was totally afraid that I would hurt them, cut the nails too short, or if I was clipping them at the right times. Because of that my husband was assigned to that duty. He did a great job and didn't seem afraid at all.

2. We thought we needed two of everything - With twins you automatically think you need two of everything. In some instances we did but because they were so young they were able to sleep together for a while. While it was nice to have two cribs and two of everything else.. I wish we would have saved some money and bought things as they got older.

3. How much sleep I would actually lose - There were days when the kids wouldn't sleep or eat at the same time. While it was a priority to get them on the same schedules, often times it didn't work out. We lost out on a lot of sleep an were tired most days. There were also plenty of times I wondered just how other parents with multiples do - how those parents with three or more kids did it - I have no idea - but I give some big kudos to them!

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