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Challenge: Start Today: Healthy Habits

Want Healthy Kids? Be a Healthy Example

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I may sneak a snickers bar on the way home from work and then dump the wrapper evidence in the outside trash, but I'll be damned if I'll buy Fruit Loops!

That's right, we can't escape sugar in our lives or our kids lives for that matter. They will see their friends at school with a sugary snack or pig out at a friends birthday party. But you can control the over indulgence to a certain degree by what you keep in the house. The only kids cereals I buy are Cheerios or Rice Krispies, now this isn't what I'd call 'health food' but it's a darn sight better than CoCoa Puffs!

If you want your kids to eat healthy alternatives then have them available instead of grabbing a Klondike bar, they will grab a handful of blackberries...don't believe me? Well I live it each day because I drove myself to the brink of insanity figuring out which fruits and which options my kids would eat and once I found out that they actually liked blackberries and strawberries..a lot..then guess what I had available!

Sometimes the answer, though seemingly simple, can be difficult to arrive at.

But it's worth the investment of time and effort.

Granted if you've raised your kids on sugary stuff up to this point you have an uphill battle, I won't argue that and I wish you luck in undoing the sugar demon addiction.

But if you are new to this game please start off smart and with as many low or healthy sugar options as possible (such as fruit). You can and will end up with a kid that though they love to have an ice-cream or brownie, they won't be upset or disappointed with that bowl of berries either!

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