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Challenge: Bedtime Secrets

Ways to Help Your Child Get a Good Night’s Sleep

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It’s plain and simple, children need enough sleep. Without this, they get cranky and eventually, they will become unhealthy. For children, sufficient and quality sleep is vital since sleep deprivation can result to life-long problems.


Parents must know first-hand the real impacts of lack of sleep for kids. So to ensure that they will get quality and restful sleep at night, the following ways can be considered:


Studies revealed that adolescents and children are particularly prone to sleep disturbance because of screens. Through the emitted light from the screen, children are exposed to harmful elements in their eyes which can affect their sleeping time. Children, in particular, are still developing their brains and eyes; see twice the drop in sleep hormone melatonin that the adults do when they are exposed to screens. This means that they are more likely to have delayed sleeping time, fewer sleep hours and poor quality of sleep. To ensure that your child will get a good night’s sleep…unplug.

Create Relaxing Routines

Create a relaxing and comfortable bedtime routine that your children can follow each night. To get started, be clear about the right time to go to bed and be consistent. Taking, for instance, 8 pm is pajama time and 8:30 pm will be all lights out. In case your child has difficulty sleeping, you can give him some extra time maybe by starting his bedtime a bit earlier.

Parents can also encourage their children to take a shower before going to bed to feel more relaxed and sleepier. Going to bed with such a calm and relaxed state of mind can minimize the risks and frequencies of common sleeping issues like night terrors, sleep walking, and nightmares.

Include about 20 to 30 minutes quiet time in the bedtime routine of your child. There are good wind-down routines like reading, writing, listening to music and writing in a journal that a child can take to sleep better at night. Dimming the lights at least 30 minutes before bedtime can make your child feel sleepy. As much as possible, avoid stimulating activities like using the computer, playing video games, or using the mobile phone one hour before your child’s bedtime.

Create Comfortable Environment for Your Child

Some children have difficulty in falling asleep maybe because of the allergens causing congestion, overheating and itching. You can have your child tested for possible allergies, and in case you suspect this to be the case, put your child in bed in low-organic and breathable sheets and pajamas. Make sure that his pajama is comfortable and suitable for the season, and that his room is quiet and cool. It’s also helpful to let your child sleep on pillow and mattresses offering better support for his spine.

Ensure that the bed is just for sleeping. This means that doing homework and using computers and other gadgets in bed are discouraged. Make the habit to turn the television off. Put a glass of water near the bed, so your child no longer needs to go out of his room. This will just interrupt his sleep.

Parents Also Need to Follow Healthy and Good Sleep Habits

Regardless of the routines and ground rules that parents put in place for their families, it will surely be hard if you do not practice what you preach. Young children often emulate their parents, and they will question them why they do not follow the habits themselves.

The Proper Lighting Can Help Your Child Fall Asleep

Some parents may not know it but getting the right lighting can help their child to have a good night’s sleep. LED lighting is an excellent choice if you really want your child to have enough quality sleep every night. LED bulbs are known to emit minimal daytime light. During nighttime, LED lighting promotes undisturbed and peaceful sleep. LED lights also use about 75% less energy as compared to traditional bulbs.

LED lighting is now taking lighting markets by storm because of its energy efficiency and longevity as compared to fluorescent and incandescent bulbs. When it comes to helping your child get a good night’s sleep, make sure to get the best - LED lighting only from trusted lighting sources.

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