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Challenge: WHO Are You?

Ways You Can Restore Your Confidence

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It took me many years in order to finally feel comfortable in my own skin. In school, I was a misfit and was always ashamed of how I looked. I dressed differently and presented myself as unattractive on purpose, because that’s how I felt. It wasn’t until college that I finally started to see my beauty and embrace it. Fast forward eight years and I had my first child, which was the single most important day of my life.

Despite feeling amazed just by staring at my kid and constantly thinking about how beautiful he is, I completely lost my confidence. I was prepared to be a good mother to him and always was, but I had to go through many personal struggles in order to feel comfortable in my own skin again. I used to constantly question whether anything I’m doing is right and if I’m a good parent. I also wasn’t feeling very confident when I got back to work. Here is how I managed to restore my confidence.

Make Time for Your Personal Appearance

Your body just went through a major transformation, and you may not be happy with the way you look. Since your body has been stretching for nine months, it won’t actually go back to its pre-baby state. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t start a strict diet or workout regimen though, as your body needs to have time to recover from giving birth. Nevertheless, you should always make time for your personal appearance. Wear the clothes you love and put on a bit of makeup to feel polished. Learning to love your body after this transformation is an important step to restoring your confidence.

It’s also a good idea to treat yourself to something nice if you’re not feeling great. Buying a new dress or accessory like a watch will surely boost your spirits. You can find many different elegant watch styles for women online.

Make Time for Yourself

Although you may find it hard to adjust to being a mom, you need to make sure you still make time for yourself. Do the things you love. I have always loved watching movies and to this day going to the cinema is my favorite activity. However, when I gave birth to my first child I stopped going for two years. This was quite shocking to me since I usually went four times a month. By doing activities you enjoy, you’ll find it easier to stay happy and confident.

Lean on the Right People

Remember that you are not alone and that you should always ask for help when you need it. Don’t hesitate to call your parents or let your partner do the same. Friends will always be there to help you as well. Having a support system will make life easier and less stressful.

Reject Judgmental Thoughts of Yourself

This will be an incredibly hard thing to do because after the changes your body goes through after you give birth you will wish to magically get back to how you used to look. Whenever your mind starts getting plagued by judgmental thoughts of yourself do your best to reject them. If you find yourself judging your parenting skills and feeling as if they’re bad, you should find a way to snap out of it. Remember that your child should have a mother that knows how to be happy and confident.

Spend Time with Your Friends

Socializing is a great way to forget about all the pressure and stress you’ve recently been feeling. Spend time with your friends as often as you can. Talk, smile, and do fun activities together.

Spend Time with Your Partner

You and your partner should make time for date night at least once a week. Becoming parents will be quite challenging for both of you. But remember that you have each other for emotional support.

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