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Challenge: I Feel Bad About...

We all have the same 24 hours in a day

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"We all have the same 24 hours in a day."

That's what her caption read.

And she's right.

It's what we do we that time and those hours that define us, isn't that true?

Perhaps not.

Because if you didn't wake up at the butt crack of dawn and go for a 2-mile run this morning, you're still kicking a**.

And if your kids didn't sleep like angels last night because sleep training never worked for your family and then you gave up and ever since have let them all cosleep with you and bed hop at night, you're still killin' it.

And if you don't take on the start of your every day with some pre-work meditation or start each morning with a healthy homemade shake and a from-scratch breakfast for the kids, you're still getting life right. Even on the days you stop at McDonald's for a Coke and a nom nom on a greasy breakfast sandwich before 8 am.

Listen, ladies, while it's true that we all have the same 24 hours in a day, what we do we that time is entirely up to us and not for ANYONE to judge.

And while it's true that we all have the same 24 hours in a day, you were not put on this Earth to do the same sh*t as Sally, Kim, or Nancy. You're here to travel your path, and you are not meant to be on any other road than the one you're on.

Should your road lead you to the healthy food store, that's fabulous.

Should it lead to the local BBQ pit, that's also fabulous and delicious.

Should your road lead you to a successful career and lots of money, that's wonderful.

Should your road lead you to feel eternally perplexed by your purpose, that's also fantastic because self-exploration is hella fun.

Should your alarm wake you up at 5 am and prompt some morning sweat, that's impressive.

But should your alarm clock meet the opponent that is your lack of desire to rise with the roosters and your middle finger, that too, your confident dismissal, is also impressive as hell.

You see, for months now, I've tried to start waking up at 5 am and I JUST. CAN'T. DO. IT.

Not right now.

Not this week.

Maybe even not this month or next.

Hell, perhaps not during a pandemic.

And I'm tired of feeling bad about it.

I'm tired of reading words intended to be inspiring and feeling defeated by them, and so I'm telling myself (and you) this:

That, yes, we all have the same 24 hours in a day, but that it's not about what we do with the 24 hours we've got, but what those 24 hours do to us and what they teach us


about ourselves,

about others,

and about how we stay ourselves in a sea of others.

Now get on with your day, or don't, and remember that either way, you're an incredible human and kickin' butt, even when life is kicking yours.

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