As we head into the last 48 hours of 2022, the conversations around resolutions become more frequent. While I'm not opposed to resolutions, I do think it's important to put strategies in place when it comes to actually achieving these goals. Studies show that 43% of all people fail on their resolutions before February. So, putting some plans in place today will help us make sure we aren't part of that stat! Here are some suggestions:
Set An Alarm - There's an alarm in my phone at 1:11 p.m. each day that says - Have you done your 3?". If you've read my previous blogs, you know "The 3". Each day I
do something for myself, for someone else, and for my business/dream. While I don't know if I even still need this reminder, it's helpful to see it because it brings me back to the things that matter the most to me. This year I also added a new alarm. It goes off at 4:12 and it says - "Is it worth it?". This one helps me get out of my head. It's not uncommon for me to ruminate or worry about someone or something. The great thing about this alarm is if it catches me in one of these spirals, I ask myself, "Is what I'm worrying about really worth it?" 98% of the time it's not. If it is, I use the alarm as a reminder to ask for help to get unstuck or solve the problem.
Make Calendar Reminders - You put your homework assignments and dentist appointments on your ical, why not put your life goals? Let's say you have a goal of finishing the first draft of your book by March. Work backwards and create calendar reminders each week or even each day! You can block off time every Sunday for 20 minutes and call the event - "Working On My Dream + My Book Because I'm Worth It". Cheesy? Sure. But who cares? Reminding yourself that putting in the time is also honoring your dream reminds you of your "why".
Write A Letter To Yourself - In a couple days I'm hosting a party where we will focus on our visions, goals, and intentions. One of the activities is for my guests to write a letter to their future self. I'll keep the letters and mail them in 6 months. They will get them in the middle of the year as a way to remind them of their goals and to help motivate them to stay on course. The act of writing the letter is incredibly powerful and receiving the letter is also extra special. You don't have to throw a party to do this, you could exchange letters with friends and then mail them to one another in 6 months.
Tell A Friend - Speaking your goals and dreams to someone you trust is incredibly powerful in helping those goals and dreams come to fruition. It's brave to share what is on your heart and what you really want in life. So, turn to someone you trust and share 1 goal you want to work on this year and ask them to check in with you over the year. I've done this before with working out goals. Having an accountability buddy makes working towards something more fun and less lonely. You could even have a group chat with your accountability buddies and check in with one another over the year. While I always say it's important to be your biggest cheerleader, it never hurts to have a few others cheering you on.
How about you? What tips do you have for sticking with those resolutions?
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