Parents, you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

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Challenge: Moms Helping Moms

We are all in this together, it’s not a competition.

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So much of how we mother depends on how we are composed.

Are we inhaling and exhaling effortlessly, or are we struggling for air?

Are we pacing around like lunatics, or are we gliding softly?

Let’s be real, nothing about motherhood is easy. From pregnancy, to child birth, to sleepless nights, to potty training; the list is never ending and it’s draining to say the least.

So how can we be expected to be collected and attentive and present and socially acceptable, all while trying to keep these children alive and fed and up to date with the milestones they’re expected to be at?

The unrealistic standards that have been set for mothers and parents have created the ultimate obstacle course, you may make it to the end but at what cost?

You’ve lost yourself through the process and probably lost sight of the goal which should be raising happy children. Not raising exhausted children who are told they must keep up with the social standards to be ample.

Why not focus on making it through gracefully without focusing on the judgement of others?

Maybe this way, we can pace ourselves and take deep breaths rather than hurdling through, rather than feeling as though we’re in a race and we need to make it to the finish line with a gold medal, otherwise we would be deemed inadequate.

So if our mothering depends on us, starts with us and ends with us, why not focus on us. We need to drop the weight of these unrealistic societal expectations and do what is right for us and for our families.

They are the ultimate goal and the ultimate prize. We need our children to be happy before being successful, because without happiness, what is their motivation?

Take your deep breath and remember that we are all in this together, it’s not a competition. We are all doing it for our children, so let’s be the best versions of ourselves for the most important people in our lives, our children.

Suka - @dinnerandadiary

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