Hi. My name is Julia. My kids are 2 years old now. It's time to take them to preschool. But nowadays, when there is a lot of new modern teaching methods appear that make me and many other parents confuse a lot to choose which school which method is the best for our kids. Once I read an article about What can parents do? on 1library help me open my mind at some sides. It said that "It is important to acknowledge the complexities work in the coordination of pre-service programs with multiple stakeholders:
a) the already crowded curriculum of both schools and university teacher preparation programs;
b) finding and managing student placements in a climate reliant upon maintaining good relationships between professional placement units and schools, where there is competition between universities for student placements, and schools and in which mentor teachers are not necessarily compensated adequately for the time and effort that goes into pre-service student mentoring;
c) the complexity (especially in an increasingly de-regulated and expanding tertiary education market-place) of determining student suitability and monitoring their performance on practicum; and
d) the degree of diligence and caution that may need to be exercised where inexperienced university students are to interact in what can be delicate and complicated relationships between schools and parents (Epstein,2001; Blackmore & Hutchison,2008; Lasky,2000; Macfarlane,2009)."
But I'd love to hear, learn more advice from you guys. Please share more information you know. Thank you so much!
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