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When all the world is your judge, please remember this...

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My seven-year-old has a dance convention this weekend, and she is ridiculously excited, as she should be.

Guess what? So am I.

Excited for her that she gets to spend two days doing something she loves, surrounded by people she loves, listening to music which she loves while knowing that her one and only birther who could not be any more fond of her and grateful for her is looking forward to loving every minute of this weekend with her right by her side.

Now, she’s been dancing for about 2.5 years, and upon the eve of her first dance competition, I wrote a letter to her & it is one I want to remind her of again today.

My dear daughter, please remember this:

You are always GOOD ENOUGH.

You are always BEAUTIFUL.

You are always CONFIDENT.

You are always SMART.

You are always STRONG of mind and body.


Dance is your passion, and I will encourage you to continue to pursue it, so long as you enjoy it. It is certain that your talent can and will take you far. BUT, one thing I need for you always to remember -- whether you are standing up on a stage in front of competition judges, or you are being judged in life by those that don’t agree with or understand your choices -- no one, no judge, no person, can take away your joy.

It’s pretty discouraging how ever-present judgment is nowadays; it’s truly unfortunate. Whether in the competition of life, at your upcoming convention or at any future competition, you must promise to KNOW, deep within your bones and with all your heart, the following:

That you are in charge of your attitude which you must aim to keep optimistic and bright.

That you are capable of appreciating every moment and every opportunity, but you must be present to do so.

That you need never to feel insecure, EVER.

That you must embrace both your talents and weaknesses because -- and you must remember this -- weaknesses are only unrealized talents.

That it is so crucial for you to maintain a high, yet humble self-worth.

That you have to always, always, always, chase your dreams, no matter how lofty they seem.

That you, for every millisecond of the rest of your life, know how immensely loved you are, by your mother, father, siblings and all that know you.

Enjoy your weekend, my mini-me, and I will enjoy watching you twirl into oblivion.

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