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Winter Writing Help Sufferring or How To Be Creative In A Sickness

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Every woman in the professional enterprise dreams she wants to achieve just like men. But there are days when everything falls to bottom low and that muse one usually looks upon as a source of inspiration becomes meaningless.

This is all thanks to creative blocks. Productivity notwithstanding hit all-time low and you wonder what to do about it because it feels like one is trapped in the wrong body.

But while many will start looking for help, it should be noted that there is no universal one to all the problems most creative artists face. For instance, someone who usually struggles with the challenge of wandering thoughts around writing from home for WritersDepartment needs a totally different solution from that who keeps postponing tasks.

Different causes of varying creative blocks

Here are some of the most common ones:

  • A problem that most artists have to deal most of the times is an emotional barrier. It can be a psychological or you are being too empathic to certain things when working on projects that elicit fear or empathy.

  • Poor work habits are a major cause of creative blocks. If for instance, you do one thing way often, over time, it becomes boring. Waking up very late or very early or overworking can be tantamount to creative blocks

  • Issues to do with personal problems such as when one is struggling with addiction can hamper one’s progress. Other times, it could be trying to cope up with loss of a loved one.

  • The breakdown in communication is also a major challenge. When details of a project are not communicated appropriately, chances are that one will face some hurdles somewhere in the middle.

  • Distractions are major culprits when it comes to things that can prevent a writer from crafting a masterpiece. While there are artists who work best when there is loud music playing in the background, it is a big issue to those who love painting or doing writing jobs in quiet environments.

  • Barriers to creativity can also arise from lack of or poor planning at the onset of a task. It is usually evident when things can’t add up anymore.

  • Having too much to do equal hampers progress especially when one simply can’t cope

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