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Challenge: Stretched Too Thin

You Never Really Know

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There is a lot we can say about life.

We can talk about the wonders of being alive and we can talk about the struggles that make it such a challenge.

We can talk about the connections that keep us going and we can talk about the relationships that fall apart.

We can talk about the moments of pure joy and the times of deep despair.

We can talk about the good and the bad and everything in between.

We can talk about a lot.

But, in the end, the most important fact about life is this:

You never really know.


You think you do - but you don’t.

You never really know how much someone is struggling.

You never really know the internal battles that rage in their head.

You never really know what keeps them awake almost every night.

You never really know the awful things they may believe about themselves.

You never really know how hard they might have to fight every single day just to keep going.

You never really know the words they wish they could speak but that get caught in their throat.

You never really know if that small act of kindness was the one thing that made their day.

You never really know if your last conversation with them will be your last conversation with them ever.

You never really know.

Maybe today is a good day to make sure your people know how much they matter ❤

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