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Challenge: Gratitude & Giving

You are never too young to start giving back

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My mother always believed in teaching by example, allowing my sister and I to learn many life lessons, especially the importance of generosity. She instilled in us that acts of kindness, no matter how small, should be practiced year round, not just at "The Most Wonderful Time of The Year". We are passing this spirit onto our children.

Landon and Elle are 7 and 5 years old now but they have been observing and participating in giving back since they were born. Now don’t get me wrong I totally understand they don’t remember their younger years but I believe they were absorbing the the positive feelings of giving back. We started small, at 2 years old they would select 2 toys to donate to the local Foster Care before their birthdays and also at Christmas time. The number of items has increase each year by 1 until they hit 5 years old. Now they each donate a large bag full.

At 2 this was a bit challenging. I still remember Landon trying to give me 2 individual Lego Bricks finding it hard to separate from his toys. Now I witness their excitement in giving back. Earlier this morning, Elle asked for a second bag to fill because as she so sweetly observed “There are kids who don’t have any toys Mom,” my heart just melted.

Some of the toys they are donating this year

Some of the toys they are donating this year

Each year we also adopt local families for the holidays. It’s so much fun to go to the store and have them select toys for others. Since they are still learning they will often try to ask for the same items, but it’s a great teachable moment to remind them that we are shopping for others and the importance of sharing your treasure. Although I will sometimes get that disappointed look, but the sad face just as often quickly turns to joy by the time we get to the check out line. It’s not just during the winter holidays that we give back to our community, we truly give year round. In February we make cookies and Valentines for Vets” for our local Armed Forces Retirement Home. In the summer when we pick out our new school supplies we also pick some out for our local schools.

Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies for our Nations Veterans

Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies for our Nations Veterans

I also embrace the essence of giving with our most valuable asset, our time. Wether they witness me participating in Charitable Board meetings (a positive to the pandemic since they are not in person but on zoom!), volunteering for our local food bank, or by helping me build cuddle boxes for our non-profit Operation Little Angel 101, it is my hope that my children will learn by example the importance of giving time, talent, and treasure.

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