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Challenge: Finding Your Village

You're Going to be Part of Mine

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When we decided to move, I told my husband that I needed a house with sidewalks. I was picturing my kids learning to ride their bikes and neighborhood games of tag just like we did when I was growing up. We found the perfect house, sidewalks included but I soon found out our street is used as a major shortcut. Mother $#&+&@. I have 2 boys. My toddler is faster than I expected. He listens, but it still gives me anxiety to have him playing and see cars rushing by, or worse...looking at their cell phones. I have given looks and yelled. We put up this sign. My husband has even thrown balls (also not good for my anxiety). Some people slow down or hit their brakes, but I have also been flipped off, given death stares, and people have actually reversed to "make a point" all because I want people to pay attention and drive the speed limit in a residential area.

We play outside A LOT and I was beginning to lose hope when a woman stopped. What she said was simple. "My teen drives a red Explorer through here. If you see her speeding, will you please let me know and we will address it." She proceeded to tell me where she lived but it was what she said next that really stuck. "It really does take a village. And you are going to be a part of mine." This woman whose child is 15 years older than mine and has never met me before today, wants ME to be a part of her village.

I don't think we realize that the village is more than those who care for our child on a regular basis. The village consists of the man helping the woman cross the street while our child watches on, the waitress who acknowledges their good behavior at dinner, the woman who plays peek-a-boo in the check out line, and even the young, funny, not tired at all mother (winkwink) who tells you to slow down and pay attention when you're driving.

Children are molded, shaped and influenced every day by those around them. You may not even realize it, but you are going to be a part of someone's village today. Take advantage of the opportunity to emulate the world you want your kids to grow up in. It does take a village, and just like that stranger, that woman, that mother said to me...You are going to be a part of mine.


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