You've got to at least be willing to dip your toes in the water
when it comes to taking on the things that scare you like
fighting against injustice,
fighting for those you know and those you don't,
fighting for your children, their voice, and their future,
fighting your anxiety,
fighting your fears,
fighting for your family,
fighting for all families,
fighting 'the system;' any of 'em,
fighting for
your rights,
his rights,
her rights,
their rights,
it's rights,
fighting against your trepidation,
fighting with your courage,
fighting 'the good fight,' even when you're not sure you are good at fighting or good for the fight,
with your mission being
to help,
to heal,
to repair,
to support,
to listen,
to act,
to prompt change,
to love,
AND to bring up children who, by watching you, feel driven and safe to do the same.
You've got to, at minimum, be willing to dip your toes in the water, EVEN IF you don't know how to swim because here's what will happen:
you'll learn
you'll learn.
If you don't step out of your comfort zone,
if you don't introspect the heck out of yourself,
if you don't regularly ask yourself how you can be better
for you,
your loved ones,
and the world,
then you should be -- I am.
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