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Challenge: Finding Your Village

I needed a pep talk. So, I asked for one.

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I needed a pep talk this morning.

So, I asked for one.

Actually, I requested a few, and I got them all.

Because I've made sure to surround myself with friends and family who are willing to pull me out of the dugout and remind me to keep stepping to the plate, and not to fear life's curveballs.

Life has been crazy lately.

We're displaced from our home and have been since June (thanks to a leak), we're bouncing between AirBnB's, kids are back in school, I'm supposed to go on an out-of-state date weekend, a hurricane is coming directly for my home state, one of my dogs got loose this morning and ran the neighborhood and my other dog shiitake in the car and then laid in it on the way to her boarding facility.

Mama is spent.

Mama is tired.

Mama is anxious.

But this mama has dear friends and a ridiculously loving and supportive family who are so very eager and willing to lovetap me on the biscuit so that I get up off of it, get out of my darn head and tackle the day and its challenges as they arise.

I'm one who likes a plan.

I'm one who needs definitives.

I'm one who thrives on structure.

I don't like game-time decisions.

I don't like uncertainty.

But, with such stellar folks in my corner, I can get through it all.

With such good people in my corner, I can feel no shame in reaching out for guidance and comfort.

I needed a pep talk this morning, and so I asked for one.

I hope we can all be brave enough to do that and selfless enough to be there for those same others when they need one.

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