Our boy/girl twins went to the NICU. They were born at 34 weeks, healthy, but needed time in the NICU to learn how to suck and take their bottles. So, I wish I had known they would come home when they were 3 weeks old. To other moms and dads, no one is "exempt" from going to the NICU so even though we knew ahead of time they were going due to their age at birth, please keep it in your mind.
I had their nursery all ready to go and when we got home from the hospital, I burst into tears. I guess it was the hormones but also the fact I had envisioned that special day my husband and I would bring home our babies and it just didn't go as planned. We spent time going back and forth to the Houston Medical Center (where they were in EXCELLENT hands at the care of the amazing doctors and nurses) but nothing could have prepared me for how hard that day was.
In the end, the NICU was a hidden blessing because the nurses taught us everything we needed to know about infant twins! My husband and I felt so ready once they came home :)
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