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Challenge: Kids with Special Needs

Sometimes it Stings

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Sometimes it stings.

Sometimes it stings when I see other kids go up to my kids, ask them to play, and my kids completely ignore them because they don’t understand yet.

Sometimes it stings to watch other special needs kids grasp the concept of catching, throwing, and hitting a baseball. We are working on it though, and getting better with every practice.

Sometimes it stings that my kids would rather lay down in a ball pit than chase and jump with his cousins. I hope that they will one day.

Sometimes it stings that my kids rather be in an entirely different room at a family function. Often times me being with them to make sure they don’t hurt themselves. Leaving little time to catch up with family. They are really happy at family functions though.

Sometimes it stings that my kids don’t understand the tooth fairy, Easter bunny, and Santa Claus yet. Parker doesn’t get excited when he has a loose tooth. They don’t get excited to color eggs. They don’t get excited for Santa to come down the chimney with presents.

Sometimes it stings that I haven’t heard “I love you”, and that words like “Dada” are gone. However, “Dada” seems to be making a comeback after a two year hiatus.

Sometimes it stings that we can’t take a family vacation right now. In all honesty, I’m not even sure where we would go.

Sometimes it stings that I can cause meltdowns in the car by making a right turn instead of a left.

It stings and hurts all the time that my kids can’t tell me when something hurts. Headache, earache, stomach ache, splinter, toothache, etc.

There are a lot of things that can sting when they happen. I do my best not to dwell on those things. I like to focus on the positive.

I celebrate every win. Big or small.

I feel like our kids are always being tested or judged on the things they can’t do. So, I’m going to focus on all the good they can do.

They may not play with kids all the time, but when they do; win!

My oldest has some sensory challenges. Wearing a baseball mitt and helmet is hard for him, but he’s doing it! And, he initiates it! The helmet only stays on until he reaches first base, and he only wears the glove for 30 seconds. He also understands what “baseball ready” means. He may sit on the ground with his glove, but he understands. Win!

Both of my boys are doing better at connecting with family at family functions. Often times going up and sitting next to them on their own. Win!

My youngest is exploding with words. Last night he said “Dada” and pointed to me. He only did it a couple of times, but he did it. He hasn’t called me “Dada” for two years. Win!

My oldest is following two step directions when I ask him too. Win!

I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s OK to acknowledge the hard, and the challenges. It’s OK to feel the way you feel. I have those feelings too, but I try not to dwell on them. I try to focus on the positive, the things my kids can do, the new things they learn, and the things that make us all happy.

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